Creating a circle that does not break

The current recycling model is full of problems and lacks proper infrastructure. Most of the recycling that we believe is being reused and repurposed, is actually just being taken to landfills. Over time, recycling programs have increased in complexity, preventing proper reusability practices.


Broken System

68% of single-use paper and 34% of single-use metals are recycled

Little Benefit

Recycling adds cost and complexity without delivering many benefits


Recycling in the US saves a modest 2.7% of total national GHG emissions​


This is why a more circular recycling and reuse model will bring greater yield for carbon emissions saved.


The Circular Economy Model

Circular economies have been around for centuries. Only recently has this model been forgotten. Circular economies are a simple concept. In our case, a bottle is manufactured, filled, sold, emptied, returned, sanitized, refilled. This process is repeated over and over, slowing the need to produce more bottles.


Over time this cycle reduces carbon emissions and makes the packaging itself more valuable.


Circular Model

In the 50’s Coke and Pepsi products were packaged in glass bottles made to be cleaned and sanitized. The model was executed in the 50’s with equipment that was primitive and simple. 

In Germany breweries have switched over to reusable beer bottles that are refilled. These bottles are reused an average of 36 times. They have varying sizes and shapes but because of modern efficiency's they can sanitize a large variety of bottle types.